Wednesday 5 March 2008

"Konnichiwa all"!

Well, we're having a really great time here in Japan and have managed to cram in loads over the past 2 and a bit weeks. So here's a summary of our main highlights, starting in Tokyo and ending in Kyoto, where we are now.

First of all, it was a real shock to the system to experience proper cold, winter weather. After many long, fantastic months in tropical conditions (even New Zealand was hot in places), we were soon reminded of the chill we'll probably feel once we land back home in a couple of weeks. So, the first thing on the Tokyo agenda was finding 2 warm coats. After traipsing around about a million different shops, the mission was finally accomplished and so we were off!!

In Tokyo we felt obliged to do some very Japanese-y things: 1. go watch a Sumo game and 2. take an early morning trip to a fish market!! The Sumo game was actually a testimonial for some famous Sumo wrestler dude who was absolutely loved by the crowd. Interestingly, the crowd was a real mix of all ages, from elderly grannies supping at their tins of Asahi beer to cute kids chasing each other around the stadium. The ceremony was very long but gave us the chance to experience a bit of this ancient art (and to take a classic picture of Marty with the wrestler looking none too pleased to have a fan taller than he is!!).

(The Sumo bout in Tokyo)

Never let it be said that Susie isn't one for the early start. In order to go see Tokyo's famous Tsukiji Fish Market, we were up, maybe not awake but on the metro at 5.15 a.m.! Who would have thought a fish auction could be so much fun? It was 6 in the morning, noisy and icy cold but totally fascinating to see dozens of huge tuna fish go to the highest bidder. Have a look at the photos of the delicious fresh tuna and lots of other sea creatures who by lunch time would have been no more.

(What a catch!!)

From Tokyo we travelled down south to the island of Kyushu. Here, we spent time in:

  • Fukuoka, where we were locked out of our hostel having arrived at 10 at night, only to have the door answered by the one and only Mark Crory all the way from Newcastle Co.Down - Marty's old mate from their Boy Scout days! A truly 'small world' story.
  • Nagasaki, a lovely city where we spent 3 days in the amazing Akari guest house. Nana and Shingo made us feel really welcome - hello to you guys!
  • A ferry trip from Kagoshima and a 20 km cycle around the live volcano, Sakurajima. Pretty spectacular.
  • Ibusuki, lying buried in hot volcanic sand. Bliss!
  • Spotting ancient old stone Buddhas in Usuki.
  • Relaxing in onsen (hot spring baths) in Beppu. Its a bit scary getting starkers with the locals for the first time, but those baths are sooo relaxing!!

(Ibusuki, hot volcanic sand baths)

Back in Honshu, we also spent a few days in Hiroshima, learning about its tragic past. The A-Bomb Dome, a former cultural building until the bomb exploded almost directly above it, stands as a constant reminder of that tragedy.

Right now we're in Kyoto and have been out geisha spotting! Number of Japanese tourists dresses as geishas - about a thousand. Number of real geishas - 5 (we think). Kyoto is a lovely old city, streets full of wooden fronted houses and tiny tea rooms. Today we zoomed around its temples and noodle shops on bikes, which was a good thing as there is snow forecast for tomorrow!

(Kyoto Geisha)

Next up is a trip to the Japanese Alps, hopefully some more onsen and a stay in a ryoken, a traditional Japanese-style guest house. We'll be letting you know how we get on. So bye for now, folks!!

Peace out, M&S xx


Brendy Brown said...

Luv the outfit Marty for the sand bath. Made me laugh, still laughing ere Lol, still, cant stop lol

Anonymous said...

Hello marty and susie, bob and pat here. site is looking really good. hope you have loads of stuff on disks to look at. see you in a 122 hours at george best airport. love you bob and pat xox